Mumbai ka trafic mashaallah

Yesterday I had gone to attend a schoolmates sister’s wedding. Hate not to go out on bike, but decided as I had no idea about the place, which came out to be true. I had not been to that area ever before, never had to. Well, got out by 7 from home and by 7:15 I had a shave. Reached bus stop to go to Ghatkopar (E). While traveling on bus (340), I spoke with Prafful if he was free to meet up. We had not met for quite some time, but he had office. Reached close to NASEOH, where the wedding function was going on, by 8:25. Thought to get a bouquet. I opted for a orchid flower bouquet for Rs 250 bucks. Finally managed to get one and reached the place by 9:15. Met the bride and groom. I was pleasing surprised that she remembered my name. We had never seen each other. As I had seen my friend Sudha going out just about to meet up bride, I decided straight hit for dinner plate. When I finished sweets (I eat sweet before meal as sweet increases your hunger) and a chapati, I saw her coming back. We were really surprised because we had never thought that we would ever meet up. We got the reconnection due to Orkut. I believe time was less. She asked to finished the dinner and then meet up. I finished the dinner. Something that I really like about wedding parties is that no one stares me for my unusual way of eating. Call this the bad effect of pampering. I had food and left soon. I believe that was good as Sudha must have been damn damn busy with her own relatives. I know it very well how busy you can be during wedding parties. At the time of leaving party, we planned to meet up with all classmates before she leaves back (on 11th feb).

After this the agony starts. It was 10:30 when I left. I was not out of time so decided to go by bus “somehow” (I was not knowing the place at all, so which bus to take and stop was totally deserted). I waited for 5 minutes and decided to take a rick. I had traveled just 200 meters and on the flyover there was a jam. It was damn irritating. Took me 10 minutes to get out of that traffic and the stupid Maruti Swift driver who was just ahead of us really gave the driver a harrowing time. It was past 10:45 and the road connecting Chembur and Ghatkopar was crowded. Mainly due to people jamming into No entry zone. I was shocked to see all that. Never thought people in Mumbai also do it. The the road that lest you cross Ghatkopart East to West was pathetic experience. There was three lane traffic in the no entry against us. Wow…. India teri jai hai… I reached Ghatkopar station by 11:15, a distance that would take me just 5 minutes on my bike on a zerotraffic day. Well, worst was ahead. The link between LBS Road and Asalpha which is a vital road is just 30 feet wide and mere 15 meters away from the corner there was a punctured rick. People looking to cut across all lanes adn take left right and center. Woof… There were some gentlemen who were managing the traffic and they did a pretty good job. Finally even that traffic got over. I had never thought that anyone on Sakinaka junction would ever dare to cross lights, but yes, when bus reached Sakinaka signal, there were so many bikers who jumped signal. I wised the bus crush these guys. One of them actually stood right ahead of bus negotiating the traffic, coming from right (direction) side. Driving dangerously is cool, breaking singanl is not. I just checked my watch. It was 11:40. I was shocked that such a small journey took such a long time. I reached home at mid night. For first time in life it took me more time while returning back. People in India need to improve their traffic sense a lot. I have broken lights once because I was confused if the signal does exist. Generally there is free left turn leading to high way. I go for a tea break with my teammates which is a one way. But I see a biker and have seen even buses and trucks in wrong direction. who just f*** up traffic. one bloody god damn guy screses up the whole lane in other (correct) direction.

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

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