Bitter Sweet Home

Once upon a time I was a avid mail writer and reviewer of magazine “Digit”. I was so good that the editor called me for a job opportunity. That didn’t go through. I had written a sample article covering the various p2p technologies (not softwares). My old pal Kiran Pai gave me suggestion on the same. Here is the whole mail.

hi ashish
u had asked for SOME feedback.. but i always give LITTLE more than some 😉
pl dont give me galis for giving stupid and minor corrections at the end of the
mail.. i basically write wotever comes to my mind.. so thats why the mail has
become so lenghty…

btw i am not sure whether this is your final copy..always nice to get it
proofread by some ppl.. since its your first article..fewer the mistakes much
better.. good impression u can make..

>the one liners describing the softwares are pretty cool

>the ‘behind the scenes’ of Online File Sharing described at the end is pretty
informative.. very nice.. specially fast track P2P

> overall the article gives the reader a sound understanding of the entire file
sharing scene and helps him make the best decision..

> even the suggestion to approach the grey market for mp3s seems to be a wise

>suggestion liner for audiogalaxy : “The Powerful Galaxy of songs seems to
be shrinking..” or something like that u can write since they are blocking all
copyrighted songs.. (btw u tried searching on audioglaxay.. for metallica and it
doesnt allow u to download..since it is copyrighted…but u type mettalica (the
wrong spelling) and almost all the songs are there.. since public have changed
the filename of the mp3 and stored it. pretty stupid blocking.. napster is on
the contrary using some new tech to block songs depending on the internal file
structure rather than the file names)

>audiogalaxy resumes downloads from sources other than the original source.. u
have mentioned that only morpheus is capable of doing that.. audiogalaxy sorts
the files according to the file size..and if it finds any other source with same
file size then it starts downloading.. need not be the guy from whom u had
started the original download.. only file size exact size has to be the same

> i didnt actually see the ratings that u have given to all the softwares.. but
all the indiviual fields in Napster have more rating than audiogaalxy but the
overall grade is lesser than that of audiogalaxy.. i know that because of the
pay factor in napster..but it looks slightly wrong.. or maybe thats right..

> A variety of parameters were looked : A variety of parameters were considered
> The pioneer of the online file sharing : The pioneer in the online file
sharing scenario
> Previewing of partially downloaded file is really useful as on one need to
change the extension and then back to old extension. : Previewing of partially
downloaded files is useful since it avoids the need to manually rename the
partially downloaded files for playback
>For India users : For Indians OR Users in India
>upwards bandwidth : upload BW
>If your music need is just latest mp3s and popular mp3s : If all that u need is
fresh, latest & hot mp3s then your nextdoor grey market dealer would be
>it’s impossible to get onto any Gnutella P2P server : it’s almost impossible to
get onto any Gnutella P2P server
>incomplete as Gnutella sucks on… : incomplete as Gnutella cries on.. (i didnt
think publications like CHip would ever use such words.. or even encourage them
from anybody at a professional level.. u have also used ‘crap’ which also i dont
advocate )
>new kid of the block : new kid ON the block
>and site is highly badly managed and navigation is really very bad : and the
site design is cumbersome and navaigation becomes a slight problem

yup thats it..

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

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