All posts by Ashish Tiwari

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

Confession of a Innocent mind

This year, I footed the bill of Christmas party. That was great to meet all friends after such a long time. When the party was to start, Neil told me that Merv had called up when he was coming home after mid night mass. When Neil said that Ashish was giving Christmas party, he was laughing for 5 minutes.

I thought to irritate Sa by calling her at 3 AM in night (Matchbox twenty suggestion – Baby, it’s 3 AM and I’m must be lonely). She didn’t pick up the phone. alright, I gave her a another call at 4 this time, but still no reply. I thought record my voice to play that to her sometime later. I spoke a lot. Just heard the conversation, only first 20 minutes. Total is almost an hour. Well, I can’t really disclose anything of that recording. Waaaaaaaaaaaayo tooooooooooo personal. Mostly full of a some particular words (I don’t swear). I need not tell all these to Sa soon explicitly as I have told to her, but I never packed all those things together. I still need to listen 50 minutes of conversation. Don’t know what I spoke also my voice sounded totally differently.

Bombay is the best. BEST is Bombay

I just spoke with my father, few minutes back. I wanted to get a confirmation about the new cell SIM activatation, as due to terrorist threat verification and activation takes time. Duds/Thugs still manage to do away wtih it. I have had some terrible time in Chennai and Bangalore as I was not having any means to call up my family. Though in Mumbai there was none. When I was speaking with father, there was BEST bus (Mumbai public bus transport, needless to say, really best in Asia) in background honking. BEST buses have a pecular horn. Just reconnects me to my city. In fact, Bus is the first thing that I would think of for Mumbai as city.

I’m flying to Mumbai in evening. Hope there is no much work. Last time due to terrorist attacks in High Couts of U.P. state, security check in took me almost 2 hours (usual time 15 minutes). Three days back, threatening mails were received about IGI (Delhi Airport) bombing. Hope I get clearance soon at airport.

Leaving BMC

I had already made up my mind about leaving Bangalore Motoring Club (BMC) as it was very insulting not keeping me informed about the meet being cancelled in time. I had reached venue in time and it was very well told by Abhijit that unless until told you must be there “No one would be invited/told about place and time”.

This chat, through Orkut scraps, with Naveen Manohar was the last nail in coffin. A premature death. (happened on 15th Dec 2007 around 11 PM)

NM – Hello sir….

AT – bolo…. why your google id committed suicide?

NM – he he… wasn’t in good mood for ze last couple of days, i deleted my orkut profile, gmail account and everything else

AT – abe mood can’t be a reason??? tell me the truth…

NM – “Am telling you the truth, nothing but the truth” This profile is only for friends who i know and have interacted with !The old one was pretty much out of control !

AT – where you joining BTW and when?? [Kanti told me about the new job offer he had got]

NM – What’s this joining thing ?? I have an offer from Target, but my boss won’t leme go ! Am goin nowhere sir…

AT – what do you mean by this “out of control”?? This is plain ridiculous

NM – aaaah kaaamaaan.. forget about that old profile.. here i am, all new, clean shaven, sleek profile

AT – whatever.. I don’t feel like coming to weekly meets at all. I have started looking for some option. I may join junta at 60 kmph. This is just taking the club for ride by founding and leading members. Damn pissed if I have to waste my time.
I was not at all in mood to come still drove for an hour to come there..

NM – i was in mental torture that evening dooood.. called up a few ppl and then decided to cancel the show… basically, i didn’t wanna come there that day after the bad day i had at office fighting wid higher ups for relieving me early .. i just rushed back home and slept !

AT – dude.. you should know the game….

NM – The same situation you were in a couple of months back when you were trying to quit Convergys, i was going through it on Friday ! [Note : My ex-employer was Covansys, wrongly mentioned as Convergys by Naveen]


Ashish, just join 60kmph and have fun yaar ! forget abt BMC.. seriously..

AT – yeah.. I told you .. It was very bad feeling when I read your SMS about meet being canceled. I have to spend 2 hr just in traveling in the traffic and I’m god damn allergic to smoke. I get headache in second the first time I inhale CO2.

NM – So, no worries, this won’t happen all the time yaar… Now, do one thing – forget about BMC and the meets… check out 60 kmph too… that choice is always yoursbut, please accept my apologies coz am the one who cancelled the show !Anways, goodnite yaar am gonna crash now.. tc.. bye for now

AT – sure. I don’t feel like coming to meets. I’ll do check out other options available.
Very strage that just one member can cancel the meet.

Black Friday

After a long long time, finally, my stock portfolio doesn’t have anything in red. Spice Jet, Ashok Layland and Empee have always given me jitters. Specially, Spice Jet, which was always in the red the day I bought. BTW, I made windfall gain in Piramyd Retail. 120% in 10 days, thanks to Edelweiss Capital Limited. Even though the stock gained 5% next day of sale, I don’t regret. I can’t believe such a huge gain in such a short span of time. Kolte Patil has come out to be a bad IPO. Just 24% gain on listing day.

My father has just learnt that I have started investing in stocks. He happen to having gone to J B Nagar home to collect mails and he saw a refund challan of Rs 81200. Book running lead manager send the proof of refund to the registered address. He hadn’t said anything but I know the day I lose money in stock, I’d be hearing a lot from him. “You know stock market. It is gambling. Those who don’t do anything invest in stock market. Are you a crorepati? Only big shots put money in stocks?” I can imagine all that.

Nameless fear

Yesterday while waiting for fellas of Bangalore Motoring Club (BMC), I spoke with Sa and we had a nice discussion about commitment, emotional investment, love and fear. She is totally different kinda person. She can’t take risk and I always lived and live on edge. For her dating and love or filmy stuff and one should stay away from it. She laughs away when she sees people in park. Viola! and she found herself on the other side when me met. I had said once “I always do what my heart says” and “She is my parent’s choice”. These two things make her feel insecure and she doesn’t want to be attached and doesn’t want to get feeling of it. Well! it is a fault from both side. may be not. It is just different thinking. It can change with time. It can worse or even better. Don’t know what future holds. BTW, I need to describe her in one word. Thinking. The phone got cut when I was speaking. SIM has a problem. It would disconnect exactly after 30:01 minutes. I can prove it, but don’t want to.

Well, I always do what my heart says but I would be very reasonable than most sane person. But the fear thing was very bad to hear. Either I trust some one unconditionally or don’t trust. Things are not really good; at least I don’t feel good about the whole thing. I hate people when they don’t 101% trust me as I don’t waste my time thinning evil. Only evil mind (who know about evil things) don’t trust. Some fear…. why?? I’m puzzled.

BTW, may be time to say good bye to BMC has come. Meet got canceled. Guys wasted my 3 hours.