All posts by Ashish Tiwari

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

Mamma has come home

I got call from mom using co-passenger’s cell phone at 7:20 to reach station. It was really late as train was suppose to reach station @ 7:50. I was not aware of route too (At least on road). I took wrong turn at NGEF, instead of Isolation Church, but quickly realized it. When I passed Bypanahalli railway crossing, it was 7:47 (the guy whom I let hitch hike told me). I knew that was the train. I sped up above 70 in that narrow lane. I have stopped going above 50 in city limits after the accident, but wanted to reach Bangalore East station ASAP. It took me just around 5 minutes to reach station and I found it wore a deserted look. Luckily the train had not come and the I was was some other train. The ticket counter was closed. I had entered the station w/o platform ticket which is illegal. Petty bad of station master as there was a board stating a fine of Rs 250 for not having appropriate ticket but the ticket counter was closed. It was 8:20 and the train had not come, but the counter opened so knew the train would not be far. I was first guy to buy ticket.

While waiting I had received a call from from dad and Indu didi saying the B1 compartment would be the 6th compartment from engine. But when the train arrived it was not. Probably the train direction was changed during couse of journey. Need to check it out. After this, was the toughest job in Bangalore. I BLOODY HATE BANGALORE TO NEGOTIATE WITH RICKSHAW. I’ve never done it in my whole life anywhere. The guy said 120 for Kagdaspura. When we kept the stuff in rick, he was !@#$%ing surprised to hear to be going to 1km after the Kagadaspura railway crossing. I knew that he was goingto take 150. and I also came to know he duped me very big time as metered fare woun’t have had been more than 80 at any cost. Metered fare of Airport from my home is 37 which is 5.3 km far. I calculated using Wikimapia and Bangalore east was 9.5 km from my home I paid him 150. lesson learnt; that’s it.

My mom was amazed to see the size of flat. I’m from Bombay, all flats are made with space saving design. Real Estate is obscent thing in bombay. Same size home would cost aroundf 1.2 Cr now in the area where I live in Bombay.

We talked with family and friends in Mumbai after reaching here. We talked in length about the family where my parents’ have fixed my wedding. I haven’t seen her face to face. A complete arranged match. Funniest thing, most of the people do goto my ansestoral home for due diligence. It has happened in past. :-) When they come to know about the lans owned, the pucca makan and the name my father has, they become hesitant to look forward for the match. don’t know why, but they must be thinking about very high demand for a Engineer guy with this kinda status.

Someone from her side had come asking about my dad and he saw the makan and he was aware of the lands owned by my father (not to forget my father and uncle are not legally separated and they joined hold lots of land). Was very very funny to hear all these. Lots of things….

Most important thing. For the first time in life my mom referred to her elder son (he died few days after birth, I never saw him even my dad never saw him) w/o tears in her eyes. In fact just this thing made to write today. My elder bro death has deeply seeded impact on not just parents but Nirmal and Indu didi. And the reason behind me being a highly pampered kid is not just this. I’m not getting right words to express it. For first time she was not sad referring to him (Still wished him to be alive). It was a beautiful day.

I had good food in Bangalore.

Trip to Mandya

Well, I spent a good time with the members of Bangalore Motoring Club at Java City, Lavella Road. They have meeting every Friday from 7:00 PM by default. For me it was very confusing to go there as Bangalore is full on One Ways and No Entries. But some how I managed to be there in time. I was introduced to people in the club. That was a real friendly and warm welcome. They had a plan of going to Mandya CCD, around 70 km from Bangalore, for a cuppa coffee. Brilliant idea! for a biker. Time passed while chatting. I still don’t know most of them by face as well as name, but they all became friend in just one meet. [:)]

The starting point of the trip was Shell petrol pump () on Bangalore-Mysore Highway (SH 17) and all had to meet by 10 PM. As I was staying way too far and was not even knowing the way to reach, I left home by 8:30 without having food. I was not having any gloves and I knew that it was going to be big pain to ride in cold wave. I was lucky enough not to be confused by people of Bangalore this time and fortunately reached there by 9:20. I just stood by for some time and after 10 minutes I just called up Naveen to check out how far he had reached, assuming that it would take him around 45 minutes to reach there. I still don’t know about it. Was very very disappointed to hear that they haven’t finished with the food and would be arriving by 10:30. Wooow.. that was pretty bad. The way Naveen had asked to be in time next day at Shell Petrol pump while leaving weekly meet, as if they would leave behind the people not in time.

Well, I had nothing to do so thought to call up friend. I was surprised by her calmness. The call went a quite long, but that was usual. When I hanged up, I saw a guy looking at me with curiosity. He came towards me and asked “BMC??” and I said yes. Well, both were very happy to see someone there for ride. His name was also Ashish and looked restless just as me. We talked for a while and then went to buy something to eat as I had noting. Luckily, Shell Petrol Pumps have a retail shop with packed food items. Ashish Jr picked up a 7 Up My Can. I picked up Lays and a health drink suggested by him. I was willing to foot the bill but he refused saying different accounts. Well, OK!The health drink he suggested was good in taste.

I thought to get air pressure checked in my tires as I was feeling there was less air. When I got it check, I held my breadth to see that was just 9 psi (standard being 34). Lucky never met an accident. We all started by 11:45 and I knew that people would not be coming back by 3. My bike partner (who is suppose to ride strictly in parallel) was someone named Chaudhary; working at Tata Indicom. Except me everyone in the club is a localite and borne and brought up in Bangalore.

I don’t know how far, but after 45 minutes at junction all had stopped for a tea and sweet bun. Reminded me of the days at Koramangala. Naveen sternly wanred me for not being in line. When you are in ride, you have to maintin a distance from the lead and try to be at consistent distance from him. We were just riding in parallel and lost the leader. Gang took another break after half an hour. We reached Mandya CCD at around 1 AM. It was very cold. This CCD is around 100 pax. All were watching us. We had to change the parking location as it was blocking the way to main parking. We all sat outside. HP was borned in garage, BMC was borne in Coffee Joints. I had difficulties understanding and explaining myself about ideas as being banglorian all used to speak in Kannada. But Aseem had specific time with my idae and he welcomed by ideas about upcoming website of BMC, Photo hosts, copyrights, standard formats etc. All in the group had something to contribute. Mechanics, Real Estate, Bikers, Garment Industry, Rally driver, navigators. Wow… perfect blend for a beautiful club. All talked about the previous trips. the reason behind the Club. It was a lovely chat.

I was somewhat hungry so thought to have choco vanila cake. That was really yummy. I used Ticket coupon to purchase it, first by in last 2 months using Ticket. not that was time to hit back. As soon as the group came out, we saw Alemari was showing the tire burn. Simply great. and now the best thing of the trip. Ashish Jr showed us a stunt. He drove his Pulsar with both leags on right side only for around 2-3 km. I have seen such stunts by Army jawans during my childhood but in personal life was amazing.

There are lots of thing… the flat tire of the Esteem and Leg guard break down, Pulsar with Safety, remote start.

We all stopped around 5 km before the start for Mysore flyover. From here people ouwld be going their ways to homes. Me and Jr decided to go together as none of them was going to take the flyover. We had drove around 3 km (Jr was around 100 m ahead of me), suddenly my rear tyre making wired noice and its intensity was directly proportional to the speed. Jr turned back and came to me. He looked at the drum and said that was a small alignment problem and should get fixed next morning. I though was OK. But again the noice was not willing to stop. I stopped. Thought to check it once. and now I see a 4 inch nail pierced though tyre. Luckily not though tube. but the tyre was holding it very badly and we had no plier or any other instrument to puck it out. Out of luck. Suddenly a rick came close to us and stopped. We asked him if he had plyer or something. That driver just looked at us and went ahead. He had come looking for business. Jr tried to remove the nail and he almost removed it. Last 1 inch looked impossible as nail had bent and grip was very tight. He had already tore my cur chief to do so. HE waited for a minute and retried. Voilla! he removed it. Hats off to your dude. 4:15 in morning. I would have had got stranded there for hours. We separated our ways at Cubban road. I reached home by 5 AM.


Today was a so-so morning. I got up by 9:45. Gawd, that was too late. Generally I get up by 9 on holidays without any problem. Otherwise, I feel dizzy even if I get by by 8:30. Mainly due to the fact that I go to bed by 2 and sleep by 3 or something. My life style (or being a not changing the late night book/magazine reading habit) is main reason.

I gave another rinse to the cloths had good bath. Thought to make tea of my own, but I screwed up as I added milk powder into hot water. My bad. Don’t like walking even though the tea shop is just a 30 seconds walk from home. My knee pains constantly as I have started wearing shoes for last two weeks. Today, I am wearing ¾ pant after a long time. Finally I had got it washed (and dried) after a long long time.

Right now my Winamp play-list contain my old (and gold) fav, like Chumbawamba – Tubthumping, Madonna – Beautiful Stranger, Goo Goo Dolls – Iris, Smash Mouth – I’m a believer, U2 – Where the streets have No Name.

Just 6 years to Sanju baba

Finally the verdict is out on Sanjay Dutt about his involvement in 1993 bomb blast. The !@#$%^&*() b****** youth icon could have had stopped whole bombing. His f****** knew about conspiracy but he sat on that information. He never had any threat from underworld. Generally, movie star are under threat from mobsters. On top of this, he can still appeal in supreme court.

This guy wept and shivered in TADA court, but what about those lives who are lost. Needless to say, B K Thakeray had helped Sanjay Dutt to get him out of court. It is very well known about the deal that happened between Shiv Sena and Late Sunil Dutt, father of Sanjay Dutt. Incidently, Sanjay Dutt’s father used to run for election from the constituency in which I live. He is said to be having good behavior and he got convicted under Arms Act not TADA. I don’t know what action Judge Kode is going to take on sting operation by a TV channel on the lawyer of Sanjay Dutt. It is very interesting that the person who gave, disposed and transported the arms to and fro Sanjay Dutt were charged and punished under TADA but he who kept arms at his home managed to skip the stringent law.

He is one of them and must be hanged. Court must set an example. The photos of Blast still linger in my mind very much. He could have had stopped it. Just because you are a honest, loved person doesn’t warrant you right to help people who waged war against the nation.

I lied

I wanted to post this for 2-3 days but lazy. I had nothing important to do on Monday so was reading old mails. I happen to see the mail taht I had sent to Ashok (FIC HR) immediatley bfore the offer was rolled to me. There was a column for Reason(s) for Leaving and I had put “Not good exposure to Technology”. What a joke. I never faced so many challenges in any MicroStrategy prject in my whole life till now. Loblaw came out to be best of best.