All posts by Ashish Tiwari

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

Accident pe accident

I travel to and fro office with Mayuresh as there is immense pain in last three toes if I drive (and good for both of us as we stay in same building). On 3 km stretch of inner ring road there is just one place to take U turn, so road is jammed durin peak hours near taht u turn. One can pass through the jam in 30-60 second (50 m stretch). Well, the scooty in line of my bike around 20 meters ahead of me skidded off on sand which had become line mud due to heavy rains very early morning. Mayuresh asked me to pick up the scooty. I was pretty afraid of picking up the bike due to the weak joints after accident and moreover I was not confident of picking up. This female had skidded off exactly the same location where I met accidnet, just another side of road.

We were destined to meet accident. Mayuresh had mood to have good tea and in whole area there was only one good place to have good tea : Hotel Gangotri. But we had to take a conventional, longer and heavily trafficted route to reach there. Generally, we take a short cut so as to avoid traffic. Around 70 meters away from the signal, he was at 55-60. He applied break. That was late braking, at least as per me. My braking is very smooth, specailly I know I have to stop. (common, it is red lights, I cna’t ram into the cars and jump signal). Street lights were not working. Immediately after braking, bike ntered into a proper (and very dangerous) mud area around 20 meters long. Bike skidded mildy and he gain control of bike once again as Mayuresh released break. But he again applied break as he had to stop. Everytime he applied break bike skidded and everytime he released brakes he gain control. Bike was travelling in zigzag. This happened 7-8 times. He could not let bike brake relased and go smoothly as we had reached very close to the cars stopped at red lights. Finally he applied full brakes. Bike skidded and I fell off. While trying to jump (and land safly being injured in right leg), I strained my right thigh a bit. Bike got some scratches on leg guard and mirror. We escaped unhurt, lickily. One thing I must say, the accident was aviodable but Mayuresh handled it extrenely well too.

Monday Night Fever

When I reached home, I had felt extremely tired. Don’t know that was due to lack of sleep or fever. I reached Comfort Home at 8:15. Planned not to watch TV. As soon as I lyed down on bed I fell asleep. I never get sleep so fast. I received a call from Karthik too, but was in deep sleep. I got up at almost 10. Strangly my hip, knee and ankle joints were in significant pain. It happend after a good break since I met accident. Knew that no good hotel would be open and I still had temperature, I though to just have sandwitch and juice at Juice Junction. Sandwitch as susual was tasteless, juice was great but was chilled, something I’m not suppose to have.

Pizza “Hut”

[19th July]
Hut – Get away in Hindi

I’m fond of Domino’s pizza and never been to Pizza Hut which is a even closer than Domino’s. But I thoguht pick up some pizza from Pizza Hut. I was told that it would be ready in 16 minutes.

Something I must say, Pizza Hut is more process oriented and people with smile. Pizza Hut Cash register is a chaos. They keep change in pockets. Mostly forget to or just don’t give remaining change. And Pizza Hut is a proper Dine in Restarunt, where as Domino’s is a Self Service. BTW, Koramangala branch is trying with a proper Dine-in concept. But, I still like Self Service.

Well, 27 minutes had passed and my patience was running out to wait. Someone named Kishore came and said that there was something wrong with Pizza cooking and he would require 5 minutes more to get it done. Damn annoyed of losing sight of my Credit Card for payment as the phone line at the cash register was not working, his refest just freaked me out. I just insisted taht I would rather like to goto Domino’s and I asked him to cancel credit card payment. With persitent request he obeyed. I got a VOID SALE credit card receipt and left. Lucky, I was saved from eating pizza of Pizza Hut. Soemthing that I have liked on Pizza Hut is Garlic Bread Spicy Supreme, but they have chnage the recipey since I had for the first time at Hyderabad. It is not so Hot anymore and they use big pieces of Green Chillies. I really miss that.

When in Trouble, all troubles just looking for your address

[July 17th]

I asked my friend Mayuresh about the membership of Ghar ka Khana eatery. He said that one need to use the coupons (5 in number) withing 8 days of purchase. I found that to be quite manageable. I eat to chains a lot and Koramangala is full of eating places. Maximum in whole Bangalore.

I still have problem kicking the bike. Use my left leg to kick start the bike. All generation of Honda Unicorn have one problem : Start. Cold start is bad dream. You must give choke for a cold start. Sadly, after the repair, bike idle has been decresed to 0.9 to 1.0 instead of 1.3 to 1.4. So, I have more problem starting bike. I need to stand on my right leg when kicking bike. A painful experience.

Well, I finished food and reached bike. I was struggling to kick start bike. For no apparent reason, bike didn’t start after 20 kicks. My right leg was in pain. I never faced such a problem even with kick start. I rested for a while, gave full choke and restarted kicking bike. I was kicking with full force but in vain. Really really frustrated. A guy who was near me saw me struggling with kicking. He came forward and asked if I was injured and want help to start bike. Wow…. he was an angle.. I told him about my accident. That guy had met an injury with his left leg. [:)]. He kick started in 5-10 kicks. Still pretty high number of kicks. I sat on bike and switched on the lights. Wooooof… bike stopped… That guy was not far. He came once again started the bike. I didn’t keep bike in idle mode (neutral with no acceleration). I zoomed from there. A heavy day. My calf muscle was paining a lot. It seems my bone bruises have healed, otherwise muscle just above bone would swell quite good .

I need to get bike fixed for idling and speedometer shows wrong result. I came to know it next day.

Stop Billing

I seriously don’t understand what does that mean. Billing… and Me. I’m not Stakeholder or DH at covansys to be doing or worried about Billing.

Well, I feel this decision was taken because I refused to come to office on Weekend :-) owing to tear in ligament. So far I have been coming on weekdays inspite of accident, but the moment I refuse to come, there is backlash like this. BTW, I havn’t been doing anything for this project since last two and half weeks. This mail is just gonna make me feel down. they wanna convey to me “They can live without me”, which I don’t hink is impossible. But this kind of treatment is some what dishearteneing, specially by my PM, who is not a typical manager. He is a manager with ears, eyes and heart. I don’t know who polluted him.

Just got a good liner from Priyanka on this situation.

Being a good person is like being a GoalKeeper,
No Matter how many goals u save,
People will remember only the one, that u missed !!!!!

Update 30th July

I met my PM after release letter being handed over. I always wanted to talk with him on this topic as why a (good) person like him will do somethng like this to me . I’ll alwasy speak my mind. Well, he cleared that it was his own decision to put me out of project and gave me the reasons behind it. Not just convincing but true. I believe him very much. He remines me of my TL at Base Technologies. In factwhen I met hime for the first time, I was surprised (He looked very similar to Srikanth) and his (Pandian’s) behaviour was very good .

Old Memory Lane: Really reminds me of my those days of BaseTech. It was a very small team of 5 people. All of age 21-22. Full of crazy ideas to do in life. Inspite of dot com doom, we used to think of doing something great. Well, I still talk about some ideas that we had planned then. Only deterrent was the money to initiate.