All posts by Ashish Tiwari

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

Life on the rocks

Hey don’t go by title… This was a bloody god damn good day… As Yeshwant was not in Pune I had scrapped the plans to go there during the weekend… Well, Blase (I hope I have spelled the name right) had called me someday back for his birthday party to be on 3rd… We don’t interact much so it as a bit amusing… Well.. I was asleep and my phone rings and I get up… As usual I switch on my monitor as the first job of the day.. It was 10:28 in the morning… Pick up phone… it is Blase.. he asked me to speak with Noel urgently.. I could guess about the reason.. must be place and timing… When I spoke to Noel he asked me to get ready ASAP to got to Bandra Fort… I had heard alot about this place to “drink” by everyone… I reach the “naka” where we (I, Noel and Lawson) had planed to meet by 11:15… Lawson reaches last.. We had some crap talk for some time and planed the jounrey as station by bus, andher to bandra by train and bandra station to bandra fort by bus. We reach at station and see hugh crowd for ticket… I never saw such a large crowd ever in my life at Andheri station… We took exact fair ticket queue so had ticket in 5 minutes… We reach Bandra and decide to wait for Blaise on station itself… We reached Bandra staton by 12:15.. Just forgot when we spoke to Blaise at 11:15 he was said to be at Kandivali about to take train… I called his to ask wich train he was in and he told he was going to reach there (Bandra) in 5 minutes… A train arrives and Noel just turned back… He sees Blaise hanging out of “first” first class and as usual calls him… “gooooood”…aaahhhhh whole station was taken by a surprise… Finally we all met… usual pep talk at sation for some more time… We march to the nearest alcohol shop around a km on foot… For first time I saw a “desi”. I just asked shopkeeper to show me the bottle… Its size was smaller than that of a miniature… but gives to a “khambha” kick… Blaise, Lawson and Noel were laughing… We take the supply and walk till Globus to get a rick as the one way of the road of under reconstruction… Whole lot of modern cloth shop for ladies on the load that lead from Lucky to Band Stand… and soooo many good chick too ;-)… We finally take rick and reach Hotel Searock, after which the Bandra Fort starts (actually there is a garden too).. Just at the start of this garden there was a cold drink stall… Right next to the stall there was a Police van.. We were a bit skeptical to buy “cold drink” in front of cops as they would understand that it was to be mixed with hard drink.. anyways life is too short to be afraid (at least of things like these)… We but a bottle of Sprite ( 1 1/2 l) and Big Kurkure for a 25% premium… We make out way on the bandstand rocks and reach a good place to sit… Then we realize that we forgot to have plstic bottles.. too bad for hard drinkers… Finally we manage to get and mix vodka and sprite… well.. one more problem…. the drink was too hard as per Lawson… I tried it myself.. Yuck.. It was quite hard… Well who will make way out of those stones and buy sprite.. Hey but Blasie agrees to it… We come to know the reasons later…. (He wanted the ciggies)…. When Blaise was on his way to get Sprite we saw a guy in plain blue cloths franticly checking the couples… (Those who don’t know… Baad stand’s part where we had gone was a famous lovers’s point… You will find couples having some intimate moments behind those wall of stones which has no shapes.. helps couples to have a good privacy.. Many movies have scenes of Band Stand.. I don’t recall it but I shall post it when I get to see a one again) We just hid the bottle being scared of that guy as cop in plain cloth… This was a just a doubt… He seemed to be a detective or something trying to fish someone… We got scared every time he made a round but it was just a hoax… When were were tired of drinking and had quite much booze with us he came to us asking for water… We told him we had booze and he can have it.. We had quite good… :-) anyways coming back to the party of four of us… It was good…. It did not take us long to get high as the drink was still a bit hard (and not so cold)… I sang a poem on as if Blaise was rejected by Victoria… It was funny… Sang an original song with original music… Noel must be having the recording too… Everyone pulled everyone’s leg for any damn thing.. We decide to leave the place from other direction (200 m walk on unleveled stones)… I cross it first and wait of rest to come… Lawson comes soon after me but Noel and Blaise were no where in sight… Actually they gave us a miss and reach the exit, another 100 m. Meantime I wash my hands in sea waves as it had got dirty making drinks and mixing. We straight reach to “Stomach” taking a stop, for Basie to buy more ciggies, in rick. I was coming to Stomach after million years break… During engineering we friends used to come here quite often… Had bloody god damn food… Specially me (I hadn’t tried anything Chinese other than some soups)… By the way, I made full use of Polaroid lens gogs (of Blaise) for checking out vital stats of chicks… Lawson was fully buzzed by vodka… He was constantly seeing this girl (aunt) sitting next table behind me… Well, I used gogs… Well she was a female with “tond” probably that was the reason for her body….[given a choice between a slim-trim gal and a bit extra pound gal.. I will definitely choose a bit extra pound but “tond” is eeeeeeeeeee] I could understand what was so great for Lawson to stair her…. Her top was getting different cirls depending upon her movement on table. She was with a friend talking… We all finished the lunch by 4:45. Blaise leave for college… We took a rick to get back to save time… Then I asked Noel to play the RDB game… “Rate a girl on road”… We saw -2 to perfect 10 while coming from Stomach to J.B. Nagar… Came to know (not seen) about a gal who likes to be called “Riya Sen”. We reach to Pragati Ground by 5:30 PM…. I had a peg after a break of around 70 days.. It was good… As usual (atleast for me) it is not the drink the compnay matters…. I have been with Mervyn, Dylan and Randolf for several years w/o drinking. Every time there is a party it is the company that we enjoy not booz…. 70 days.. but next break would be just 7 days.. No prizes for guessing….

I come back home and see that downloads are stopped… I solve the problem and take rest for two minutes.. Take cuppa tea and goto play (Noel and Lawson were playing already) I play good but fielding needs a lot improvement…

when we were partying, someone from Hutch had called up for the tickets lodged by me.. I just asked him to call later.. we just closed the ticket “based on my feedback”. WTF… This was not the first time such a thing happened so I decided to get this thing straight.. I had to speak (rather hold) the cell for an hour to get a complaint registered again the person (Naeem Khan). I was on Xavier terrace while speaking to Hutch Customer Care…

When I was about to leave Xavier I saw Dylan coming to Xavier…. I thought to wait for him and meet him up for some time “if he was coming on terrace”. Well, they indeed came and the conversation that started happen to be very interesting and long… We talked about some plan about opening up a food joint or franchise… Life.. Death… Our professional experience… Dad called as the peeps had come to play Volleyball (We play volleyball under lights every Saturday night)…. We all left Xavier together… Dylan and Simone hot for a hotel for dinner… Well told me what does “on the rocks” drinking mean….

Played Volleyball and I played good.. My Volleyball is not so deteriorated… Played all positions… Came back home at half and hour past midnight.. It was Saturday so it was a “khichadi” dinner…. Yummy with desi ghee…

……………………”The bad dream still haunts me”

Mumbai ka trafic mashaallah

Yesterday I had gone to attend a schoolmates sister’s wedding. Hate not to go out on bike, but decided as I had no idea about the place, which came out to be true. I had not been to that area ever before, never had to. Well, got out by 7 from home and by 7:15 I had a shave. Reached bus stop to go to Ghatkopar (E). While traveling on bus (340), I spoke with Prafful if he was free to meet up. We had not met for quite some time, but he had office. Reached close to NASEOH, where the wedding function was going on, by 8:25. Thought to get a bouquet. I opted for a orchid flower bouquet for Rs 250 bucks. Finally managed to get one and reached the place by 9:15. Met the bride and groom. I was pleasing surprised that she remembered my name. We had never seen each other. As I had seen my friend Sudha going out just about to meet up bride, I decided straight hit for dinner plate. When I finished sweets (I eat sweet before meal as sweet increases your hunger) and a chapati, I saw her coming back. We were really surprised because we had never thought that we would ever meet up. We got the reconnection due to Orkut. I believe time was less. She asked to finished the dinner and then meet up. I finished the dinner. Something that I really like about wedding parties is that no one stares me for my unusual way of eating. Call this the bad effect of pampering. I had food and left soon. I believe that was good as Sudha must have been damn damn busy with her own relatives. I know it very well how busy you can be during wedding parties. At the time of leaving party, we planned to meet up with all classmates before she leaves back (on 11th feb).

After this the agony starts. It was 10:30 when I left. I was not out of time so decided to go by bus “somehow” (I was not knowing the place at all, so which bus to take and stop was totally deserted). I waited for 5 minutes and decided to take a rick. I had traveled just 200 meters and on the flyover there was a jam. It was damn irritating. Took me 10 minutes to get out of that traffic and the stupid Maruti Swift driver who was just ahead of us really gave the driver a harrowing time. It was past 10:45 and the road connecting Chembur and Ghatkopar was crowded. Mainly due to people jamming into No entry zone. I was shocked to see all that. Never thought people in Mumbai also do it. The the road that lest you cross Ghatkopart East to West was pathetic experience. There was three lane traffic in the no entry against us. Wow…. India teri jai hai… I reached Ghatkopar station by 11:15, a distance that would take me just 5 minutes on my bike on a zerotraffic day. Well, worst was ahead. The link between LBS Road and Asalpha which is a vital road is just 30 feet wide and mere 15 meters away from the corner there was a punctured rick. People looking to cut across all lanes adn take left right and center. Woof… There were some gentlemen who were managing the traffic and they did a pretty good job. Finally even that traffic got over. I had never thought that anyone on Sakinaka junction would ever dare to cross lights, but yes, when bus reached Sakinaka signal, there were so many bikers who jumped signal. I wised the bus crush these guys. One of them actually stood right ahead of bus negotiating the traffic, coming from right (direction) side. Driving dangerously is cool, breaking singanl is not. I just checked my watch. It was 11:40. I was shocked that such a small journey took such a long time. I reached home at mid night. For first time in life it took me more time while returning back. People in India need to improve their traffic sense a lot. I have broken lights once because I was confused if the signal does exist. Generally there is free left turn leading to high way. I go for a tea break with my teammates which is a one way. But I see a biker and have seen even buses and trucks in wrong direction. who just f*** up traffic. one bloody god damn guy screses up the whole lane in other (correct) direction.

Mumbai office has life

Leaving Ivy has been very good. Just have come to know that there have been bad. People work for more than 12 hours a day, either from office exclusively or from home, including the PM. Though there is no doubt that Ivy takes good care of employees in terms of food, EOE, leaves, food etc. But never thought that there would be sooooo much of work. I saw Raj working very late. At least twice after 2 AM. I don’t know why was he up so late in office. Didn’t even reply on Yahoo. But I do see most of Ivies working late and office environment is not so good. I just feel sad. Never thought of this thing happening, but it is.

I’ve told HR to get me assigned to a new project ASAP. It is damn irritating to sit idle for such a long period of time. Someone called Mr. Kanan (of Chennai branch) will get back to me on this. Let us see how soon they get me a project with rest of team either in Bangalore or Chennai. We had monthly birthday celebration during closing hours today. That was really good. A rapid fire Q&A session on Republic Day of India and a debate. Office was divided on 4 groups. And two groups had to debate. That was really good. I didn’t have the cakes thinking that would be having eggs. All stuff for the celebration was from the shops I knew very well. Happen to know name of a gal whose birthday fell during January. A new pretty tall gal. [She has a BF :-)] “Where some see difficulties, we see challenges.” someone called Sharad is going to leave for an assignment at Germay for long term. He sings very well and on public demand he sang “Kaho na kaho”. That was great.

Saw a Dead unicorn driver…..

I was going to my sister last Saturday… On Narul Flyover in New Bombay.. I saw an accident.. accident of a biker… His body was covered with thick papers… One and half lane were closed and the policewala was asking ppl to move (Not to stop at  the place of accident.).. I was cruising at 80 on the same lines which was blocked ahead… When I came close at around 50 mtrs I could understand what had happened.. It was all blood everywhere…. His shoes were peeping out of the cardboard covers… I almost bring my bike to stop.. tried to see what had happened and policewala was asking people to move fast… I crossed.. Soon after this I (actually) laughed a bit thinking which useless bike this F***er was driving.. I said to my self “zarron pulsar-wala hoga”.. I turned back.. His bike was a brand new Honda Unicorn… I was take na back for next 2 minutes… By the time I crossed the flyover I was feeling like vomiting… (I feel it even if I see non-veg or people talk about it)..Next km I drove at 40…. I drove the remaining journey at 80+ but whole way I was thinking about this accident… why.. how… all that happened?? He was driving Unicorn. Unicorn drivers are pretty sensible than other bikers.. what a bloody ~!@#$%^&* biker…. The road was smooth and there were no trye streaking.. there were two bikes standing but had no signs of any accident so I believe those were just passers by or may be police vehicle…. I can’t imagine.. My bike badly needs servicing but don’t know the service station numbers… Brakes and clutch are loose.. Springs very badly need oiling.. battery needs to be charged up… Gosh.. I gotta take leave and do all these and will do this by next weekend…. Please drive safely….

Do bandar Covansys ke anadar

Well.. I and my lead (Srikanta) or rather Srikanta is very much troubled by two newbies in the projects. On 12th Shamir had not come to office , had some personal engagements so on leave. The onus of sending mail was on Srinivas. Two mails to be sent from shared inbox of Shamir. I left office at 6:20, time when higher management people were coming back to office after a meeting at near by big hotel. I happen to see my PM (he is one of the big guys at Covansys), but we didn’t cross each other’s way as I take the path gate nor car gate. Well, at 7:00 I realized that 15th is Pongal and its holiday. There were too many reports to be sent on Monday. I called up Srikanta who is on way home. He said that monday is not holiday. I was not able to open Covansys intra-net from home, so called up Sripati. But he asked me call up after 10 minutes as he was busy with some reports. Well, fine! at 7:15 I get a call from Sripati asking to come to office. well w/o asking why I told them I’d there by 7:30. When I was about to leave home, I get a call from Srikanta, asking to meet up at J.B.Nagar bus stop and take a package home as Courier company refused to send it in Orissa and going back home to keep that package would definitely make him miss his bus to Pune at 8:15. Well, I reached the meeting spot and within 2 minutes of that even he arrived. I just took th the package and ask him to go as he was becoming late for bus. Well here is the real fun. I was in casuals. The guard was taken a back for a moment when he saw me. I asked Srinovas and Sripati about the matter. It was ridiculous to hear that they were not able to send mail. The Reason.:They had not put recipients names. This was straight. Second doubt took me a moment to crack. They were not knowing that when mail format is HTML/Rich Text, attachments are sent in-line (you can drop files inside mail) where in Plain text mail, attachments become separate parts. They were struggling with same for hour or so. Came back home.