"Significat" NO tear in knee muscle :-)

On 19th of June, I was ——- happy. I had worked till 3:30 AM morning and had come home. Got up by 11:30 and rang Santhosh. He could not confirm if ther were any new issue with reports, but the work that I had done till early morning was very satiafying and I knew no more new issues would come up unless BRD changes or functioal changes. Well, I was driving too fast being happy. On Inner Ring Road, on of the deadliest turn I was too fast to handle the turn and collided with devider. Deep bruses on right arm and severe pain in rihgt knee. “I am surrounded by people and the traffic has come to halt. I’m able to walk.” One guy lifts the bike and gets it on the foot path side. Everyone looking at me. All asking if I need to be taken to hospital. I found myself in walkable condition with some pain and bruises and opt to goto office driving that screwed up bike and get medical attention from office doctor. I guy offered following me till the office which I readily accepted. He took his route when I took a U turn for office. God bless him for his much needed care.

Upon seeing those deep bruises, the assistant doctor get scared. For first time in my life I saw a scared doctor. I cleap up the injury with a solution before anotaher soluction is applied on the injuries by her. Main doctor was pretty fine with the injuries and suggested a oinment to be applied every morning. I came to my desk. Everyone was shocked to see those injuries. I hadn’t taken the injection as suggested by Dr., as I’m damn damn scared of needle. Finally I get help from Pradip. He comes along while getting a titnus injection. It was not at all painful, luckily.

After the call, I asked my Service Line Manager (DW/BI is a service line here at Covansys) if he could arrenge me a cab for St John. Lucky me. I went to Hospital and got myself checked in Orthopedic OPD. He suggested me two X-Rays. Nothing was abnormal in those. No broken or fractured bones. But he caustioned me if the pain in rihgt leg would not ease in next 10 days, I would require some more treatment. I took that by pinch of salt. I could walk very well, till next day morning.

when I got up next day, there was tooooooooooo much of body pain. I was hit by helmet several times when it impacted on the ground. I had some pain on skull and face. Whole body was paining. I called up my Manager and told him about my inability to come to office.

These days and even now are like an agony. I never faced anything like this (being alone in a tough time). Brought up in a highly protective environment. Haven’t told my parents about this accident yet.

30 June, Saturday, Right knee still in quite some pain. I get the bike stationed at the Service Station at Jakkasandra. As the head light was broken had come off from the front casing, it had very scary look. Everyone along the way from Office to Station gave me staring looks. A guy called Charan gave me the address and procedure for filing claim. Pretty nice of him. I reached home and went to St John Hospital in same rick. Dr. Rajkumar examined me again. I asked me to tighen the kne cap keeping the leg straight. I had terrible pain while doing do. Apart from this, I had pain in calf muscle. He suggected me a chnage in medication and MRI.

MRI center was too scary. There is a giant hole in which your body will be passed and that machine makes scray noice while generating the magnetic waves.

when I came back home after MRI, I inspected my helmet. It had worn many places. Scratches were 1 mm deep at two places and not to forget n number of scratches. I’m writing this blof because of that helmet. I was in tear when I saw the codition of helmet even now while writing all these. —-… what a life man… why the —- i was too fast for taht turn. So much of pain and trouble.. I learnt my lesson when I saw my helmet. I am not sure if I would goto my planned 30 days adventure going around places in India in Nov-Dec.

I could not goto see Dr on Monday as there was work. Left early on Tue and collected the MRI report. OPD DR (Rajkumar) found a descripency in the report. For one of the muscle, MRI Dr wrote no tear as well as significant tear. Dr Rajkumar asked me to return the report and get the fresh report with correction. I did so.

Next day (4th July), I could not reach in time to OPD and so thought not to get the report as carrying those A3 size images would not be easy and I ahd to bring them in OPD next day itself.

Just confirmed that report is ready and would be available. Also I’m leaving by 6 PM office bus (it’s last stop happens to be St John Hospital). And my bike has been inspected by insurance company.

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

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