Why is He angry on me?

(writter on 26th June)

I just had a long argument (or fight) with Technology Director about my reaease by 13th of July. It went for long. As the last date is decided by Company, I was helpless, but more helpless I felt by his words “Do whatever you can”. Well, I had no options to actually accept this words. For so many dasy, he had been avoiding specifically talking on my release date and when he was left without reasons/excuses I got this treatment. I just feel taht I’m doomed to be life this. Working in good
technologies, with lots of enthuasism but leaving my all employer on bad not. some time I feel bad about working in a hard to find technology, casue when you want to seperate, you have harrowing time or bad time.

When I was with Base, just out of college with crazy ideas. I used to still think of some venture even after the doom time and office mates were very much interested in it. Taht was a good serious time pass. But I left basetech after a bad treatment by Indian boss. He was a typical Indian Boss. Managing his brother’s compnay in India and thinking people in Software are highly overpaid and to justify the salary must work for 25 hrs a day. and I would not sit in office more than 9 hours [:)]. So, one fine day I just thought to call it quit. I had come early the day I had decided to leave. My boss came at 11:30 and I left Base immediately after giving him an oral resignation and he said fine. Regret leaving. One big lession learnt, no matter what ever has happened, don’t be emotional and leave unless you have an offer in hand. Only time applied : Covansys.

Then finally did CDAC. Hope to do some magic with new compnay, Cybage. Though, cybage is my most hated employer I just love MicroStrategy. MicroStrategy was the best soul satisfying work I have had. But my PL found me too much to handle. I would ask him to go by rules and regulations of company. He had good setting with the PM. Consistent ouperformer for months but was treated shabbily during my notice period. A person who could not be matched even though I didn’t work for 5 motnhs for next appraisal at Cybage. Cybage did a lot of problem for my Full & Final settlement. My PL (Paramjeet Singh Sighu) went to extent of asking HR not to issue release letter, which I got pretty easily.

Enter Saama. Here work is already planned for next month. PM is technically quite well and I realized how good it can be when you have tech savvy PM, even though he had not done technical stuff for long. But, The ego of my TL took a big toll on me. My work was alwasys on scheduled but rest of team used to site last night on daily basis as there were a lot on under estimation, technical challenges, client was getting greedy and delay from client side. Wehn not having work, I would go on talking spree. He would make complaint to my PM, like this boy is browing google earth, maps, news for whole day. When my PM discussed this issue, I had just one reply, was there any problem with my work, quality of work and time line? but it became

a bit too much, when their delay started affecting me. They were handling SDK and ETL and I was doing MicroStrategy. I was not working with live data and wanted to check my work for long. My TL was technically super strong, he would kill you if you
notify him his even single mistakes. He somehow managed to sideline 9 year experience DBA for design for database during the initial phase. He had some mistakes and I knew that would impact MicroStrategy design. For quick reference that was Double counting error. Well, the issue had to come one day and he started blaming rest. even DBA. for his it was a sin if anyone left earlier than him. Well, I decided to leave him. Sadly the new project came for me when I had almost through the interview.

Now come Ivy, Offshoer development of PartyGaming. Loved everything about it. Flat hierarchy, good raise, good food, home just 2 km from home, 10 to 7 office, too much of new learning, lots of chichks (It had its call center), good experience MSTR people. Dream last just 50 days.

Covansys….. Mumbai…. Office @ JBNagaar.. Loved it for the same…. stones throw away from home…But decided to leave when the HR became to carelss and on top of that Technology director, asked to leave if I didn’t like.

why me for all this trauma. People will have a first impression about me that I’m a kinda person whol love hopping job but every time I had genuine concernes. After my CDAC, I have seen biggest and fastest growth in career in terms od domain and package, but who the hell is realy interested in hopping. Those bastards made my life hell at Cybage else MSTR still my best work. I’m gonna join a new job son with salaray more than 5 times of what I received at Cybage 3 years back, but mamma wants me to come to Bombay for mere 1.2 lac PA. That’s acceptable.

About Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari has 8 years of experience solely working on various aspects of MicroStrategy (excluding SDK). He has experience in Financial domain and created reports having visibility of CXOs and BU heads. He spends his time watching Hollywood flicks. Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

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3 thoughts on “Why is He angry on me?

  1. Well .. it seemed like going through a series of unfortunate events … we all have to learn with egoistic stupid bosses . you are lucky if you get a good boss … till you find one , you gotta live with what you got ..
    cheers . ashish

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