Tag Archives: Covansys

Do bandar Covansys ke anadar

Well.. I and my lead (Srikanta) or rather Srikanta is very much troubled by two newbies in the projects. On 12th Shamir had not come to office , had some personal engagements so on leave. The onus of sending mail was on Srinivas. Two mails to be sent from shared inbox of Shamir. I left office at 6:20, time when higher management people were coming back to office after a meeting at near by big hotel. I happen to see my PM (he is one of the big guys at Covansys), but we didn’t cross each other’s way as I take the path gate nor car gate. Well, at 7:00 I realized that 15th is Pongal and its holiday. There were too many reports to be sent on Monday. I called up Srikanta who is on way home. He said that monday is not holiday. I was not able to open Covansys intra-net from home, so called up Sripati. But he asked me call up after 10 minutes as he was busy with some reports. Well, fine! at 7:15 I get a call from Sripati asking to come to office. well w/o asking why I told them I’d there by 7:30. When I was about to leave home, I get a call from Srikanta, asking to meet up at J.B.Nagar bus stop and take a package home as Courier company refused to send it in Orissa and going back home to keep that package would definitely make him miss his bus to Pune at 8:15. Well, I reached the meeting spot and within 2 minutes of that even he arrived. I just took th the package and ask him to go as he was becoming late for bus. Well here is the real fun. I was in casuals. The guard was taken a back for a moment when he saw me. I asked Srinovas and Sripati about the matter. It was ridiculous to hear that they were not able to send mail. The Reason.:They had not put recipients names. This was straight. Second doubt took me a moment to crack. They were not knowing that when mail format is HTML/Rich Text, attachments are sent in-line (you can drop files inside mail) where in Plain text mail, attachments become separate parts. They were struggling with same for hour or so. Came back home.