Tag Archives: Bangalore

Leave if you don’t like (I did it in a week)

[Written on Jun 5th]
This mail actually surprized me. I was on VPN not checking my mails only once a while. I was shocked to read “Despite all the statements made here, I am in full appreciation of all the hard work done by my colleagues in HR.” by my Manager. Just 10 minutes ago of reading this mail I had gone to him to speak from my side and he used “s!@#Wed up” word for HR. Well, I have never ever heard any PM using such firece comments in my life.

Let us dig into this a bit. I had sent mail to Chitra asking about the Disturbance Allowance missing from Salary (1st June). I was replied there would be check and would get back to me. My manager was part of the CC. Well there was usual HR inaction (as I’m awaiting a reply from BALASUNDAR Aparna for the resumes I had reffered). Worse than even Cyabge. At least they reply with negative in 15 days time. It had been months since I have sent 3 resumes. There was no action of talk on the same by my Manager. But when I let out my anger on HR, voila, my Manager got furious. He threatened to fire me. Do that to me dude. Is asking for your rights is so much concered. Aren’t you ashamed that I had to shout for myself. He told me that people those who work under him woudl like hiim very much and that’s the best appreciation for me. Well, I really do not care what rest of think of you as manager. No manager had ever spoken about “firing you” in my whole life. And well, he is trying to scare who has already seen all these. [:)] “If you don’t like it, LEAVE” that were his words. Well, I’m not a quitter. Zindgi mein acheche achchon ko seedha kiya hai. Well, now I have become smooth for all such managerial bullcrap.

Those who know me well, know that with Ashish there is no XXXXing room for hickups, mistakes and must be at time supposed to be. Errors (w/o reasons) freak me out big time.