Tag Archives: Covansys

Covansys – a CSC company is cheat

I received the full and final settlement after leaving Covanys (now acquired by CSC, but with separate P&L) within 20 days but the settlement paper arrived there after I moved into rented apartment. Anyways, I received it in my hand when I had gone there to meet my old pals. I was shell shocked to see that Covansys had deducted Rs 10000 (Ten Thousand only) as Visa fees. Not to forget, they refused reimbursement of relocation on the pre-text of not having promised in writing, even though it was said by Chris, the HR person. Secondly, they forgot to pay me the transfer allowance (at least that was given in writing) in time and asked to wait for another month for the same. Now, coming back to F&F settlement thing.

I have sent 3 mails to P Gunasagar, undersigned the F&F statement, about the extra charge for fees and not having my PF account closed and money given to me. So far he hasn’t replied to me. I’d never asked for onsite position, never agreed to pay the fees, there is no such a policy that B1 visa fees would be taken from the employee, but still I have been charged Rs 10000 for the same. Even though Covansys gave me best MicroStrategy assignment, it seems more right having left Covansys for HR reasons. BTW, I have left companies only after HR reasons. They dupe employees. I have sent mail with electronic signature, so that in future I can take on Covansys (a CSC company) in court for this. One day I would definitely go tooth and nail to get my money back. After all I never worked for a cheat employer. Let me see if they give it or not. and my PF account is not settled. Some 30K must be lying in it. I had asked for my PF account to be closed, but they haven’t done it till now.

BTW, if you can help me to get my money please drop a comment. I come to know about comments left immediately.

Update about Covansys and PayPal.
PayPal has started its own development center in Chennai in Oct 2007. All the employees of Covanysy on the PayPal project were absorbed by PayPal. But, PayPal work outsourced to various Indian companies still continue. Their MSTR dev still remains with CTS, Chennai. I’ll update as and when I have any information.

eBay Inc. and PayPal’s development center are recruiting technical professionals with expertise in product development, software engineering and other IT functions. Applicants can apply for positions by sending resumes to IDC@paypal.com or idc_hiring@ebay.com.

BTW, PayPal IDC is people for position for Director.

Leave if you don’t like (I did it in a week)

[Written on Jun 5th]
This mail actually surprized me. I was on VPN not checking my mails only once a while. I was shocked to read “Despite all the statements made here, I am in full appreciation of all the hard work done by my colleagues in HR.” by my Manager. Just 10 minutes ago of reading this mail I had gone to him to speak from my side and he used “s!@#Wed up” word for HR. Well, I have never ever heard any PM using such firece comments in my life.

Let us dig into this a bit. I had sent mail to Chitra asking about the Disturbance Allowance missing from Salary (1st June). I was replied there would be check and would get back to me. My manager was part of the CC. Well there was usual HR inaction (as I’m awaiting a reply from BALASUNDAR Aparna for the resumes I had reffered). Worse than even Cyabge. At least they reply with negative in 15 days time. It had been months since I have sent 3 resumes. There was no action of talk on the same by my Manager. But when I let out my anger on HR, voila, my Manager got furious. He threatened to fire me. Do that to me dude. Is asking for your rights is so much concered. Aren’t you ashamed that I had to shout for myself. He told me that people those who work under him woudl like hiim very much and that’s the best appreciation for me. Well, I really do not care what rest of think of you as manager. No manager had ever spoken about “firing you” in my whole life. And well, he is trying to scare who has already seen all these. [:)] “If you don’t like it, LEAVE” that were his words. Well, I’m not a quitter. Zindgi mein acheche achchon ko seedha kiya hai. Well, now I have become smooth for all such managerial bullcrap.

Those who know me well, know that with Ashish there is no XXXXing room for hickups, mistakes and must be at time supposed to be. Errors (w/o reasons) freak me out big time.

Paypal is planning own Development Center in India

Thos who have seen my profile on Orkut, must be knowing that it is a dream for me to work with Paypal. Surprisingly, I was never bothered to work for that project due to “w/o leaving Mumbai” thing. FYI, Covanys is the only compnay where PayPal have outsourced and it is real big. Due to blah blah concern, PayPal project people (around 500) have a seperate building. Covansys have many big projects but no client has so specific requirement. Though eBay India is housed at Mumbai (ebay.in account required), PayPal has no presence anywhere in India. But they plan to take away all people from Covansys to setup IDC very soon.

Here come the MicroStrategy twist. There are several clients that have “direct” control over the development/feature development of MicroStrategy. PayPal is one of them. If PayPal wants then they can alter MicroStrategy. Well, don’t be surprised. These compnaies (Permium clients ap er MicroStrategy iternal lingo) are the testing bed for all things created and the feedback and feature request. What suits this bigs, must suit even small compaines. That’s how it work.

Update 5th April 2008:
For more updated info about this kindly go here.

Mumbai office has life

Leaving Ivy has been very good. Just have come to know that there have been bad. People work for more than 12 hours a day, either from office exclusively or from home, including the PM. Though there is no doubt that Ivy takes good care of employees in terms of food, EOE, leaves, food etc. But never thought that there would be sooooo much of work. I saw Raj working very late. At least twice after 2 AM. I don’t know why was he up so late in office. Didn’t even reply on Yahoo. But I do see most of Ivies working late and office environment is not so good. I just feel sad. Never thought of this thing happening, but it is.

I’ve told HR to get me assigned to a new project ASAP. It is damn irritating to sit idle for such a long period of time. Someone called Mr. Kanan (of Chennai branch) will get back to me on this. Let us see how soon they get me a project with rest of team either in Bangalore or Chennai. We had monthly birthday celebration during closing hours today. That was really good. A rapid fire Q&A session on Republic Day of India and a debate. Office was divided on 4 groups. And two groups had to debate. That was really good. I didn’t have the cakes thinking that would be having eggs. All stuff for the celebration was from the shops I knew very well. Happen to know name of a gal whose birthday fell during January. A new pretty tall gal. [She has a BF :-)] “Where some see difficulties, we see challenges.” someone called Sharad is going to leave for an assignment at Germay for long term. He sings very well and on public demand he sang “Kaho na kaho”. That was great.

Back to Square ONE

So it is official now. I’m released from project. and I’ll be contacted by Resource Management Group anytime soon and will be allocated a new project. I have three options

  1. Work in a MicroStrategy project from Mumbai
  2. Join SAP Testing
  3. Join SAP BI

In the order of preference.

Let us see what happens? Life is very bad? Ivy made me feel bad about not accepting H1-B (for a moment) and now Covansys is making me feel bad for not accepting offer from CapGemini. And now if I change job that would be my 5th employment in last 14 months :-)

I know it very well what is job security but sometimes you are willing to take the plunge.